
Technology solutions
for better beekeeping

Take control of your apiaries and hives with our comprehensive software solution. Our platform helps you record, manage, and track all aspects of your beekeeping activities.


How data can help you get better returns on your hives

Using the HivePulse monitoring device, you can continuously track your hives' health. This in-hive sensor analyzes data and sends alerts about movement and hive conditions, including healthy, empty, and swarming hives.

By identifying struggling hives that need attention, it helps you maintain optimal health with minimal disturbance, maximizing productivity.

Beehive Monitoring

HivePulse features

Tamper alerts

Receive instant alerts for theft and vandalism via SMS, email, and our mobile app, enabling you to take immediate action to protect your beehives.

Real-time remote monitoring

Reduce your operating costs by remotely monitoring your hives anytime, anywhere.

Hive health monitoring

Statistical information such as temperature, humidity and sound is aggregated, keeping you informed on activity in the beehive.


With its robust design, the HivePulse is waterproof and can manage high temperatures up-to 50°C.

Simple, affordable pricing

save 17% with yearly plan


Reach out to us for a custom solution for your enterprise.


Empowering farmers

HivePulse boosts farmers' profits by improving hive health, increasing crop yields, and reducing labor costs.

"Fantastic product. It alerts you within seconds if someone tampers with your hives. Also gives you temperature and humidity remotely."

"Hive pulse technology enabled us to measure the stability and activity of hives in pollination. Working together with this dynamic group we are able to investigate various challenges experienced in pollination"

"I got given 2 HivePulse sensors as a Xmas present and installed 1 in an established hive and 1 in a recovery hive with only 2 brood frames drawn. The 1st hive shows a constant temp between 35-37C and a constant humidity around 60%. The blew hive fluctuates between 20-40C and humidity varies between 20-60%. I won't inspect the 2nd hive before the temp and humidity stabilizes which will save me time and effort. Enjoying the product."

Frequently asked questions

4 Pieter Wenning Road
Fourways Johannesburg
South Africa
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